Tuesday, October 30, 2012

If presented with the opportunity to get a message to a large group of people, what would your message be? Is it possible to lie without saying a word?

This would be one of the marvellous things that I might regards as an honour to me, I mean addressing a large group of people would be grace to me. This will serves to substantiate to my career as well, as Public Relations professional. Addressing large audience is everyone’s dreams. This is not an easy task indeed, but as professional that will be very important to know what areas will interest your audience. As a communicator, it will be also very interesting to be persuasive; sharing information that you know it will attract them to pay more attention. The most interesting speeches, is to criticise government poor service delivery, lack of job opportunities, corrupt government official and so on. Even the priests, before they deliver the message they first condemn government. Looking at politicians during the ceremonies, there is little that they address about the main objectives of the ceremony, mostly they attack each other on currently social issues. One might say that, that is how politicians mostly communicate, they use such an event for thier political interests.

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