Saturday, October 6, 2012

You cannot chase two rabbits at the same time. i
This is simple impossible, at times a person need to patience. Patience pays back indirect. This is usually happens when a person does not know what he or she is looking for. As a person it’s very important to know what you want. Whatever a person might want could be not easily to find it; it’s where patience comes in. Other people used to say that, you need to have a least one target. The best way s to choose one angle, the one that your strength will be in order to achieve your intended goals. It is very difficult to achieve many things at the same time, chances of failing to all intended goals is possible, because there is not focus. Intellectuals believe on focusing on one thing and after start to see possibilities of doing another one. Perfect example of this, general secretary of the ANC Gwede Mantashe has decided to not stand again to SAPC elective conference as the National Chairperson, because he wants to stay focus to his duties as the general secretary of the ANC.

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