Tuesday, November 6, 2012

"Come on" President Jacob Zuma

Over the past few months South Africa experienced a wave of protest actions across to all provinces. Many of this protest have turned to an act of violence and criminal activities among them exploiting the situation. In various areas, the police had to use force in order to calm the situation. Police action includes arrests for public violence, loathing, and various crimes. Basically, the main reason for these protests are discontent with delivery of basic needs municipality services such as water, electricity, toilets, unemployment, poor infrastructure, lack of houses and high rate of crime. These are the outcomes of political promises during the election campaigns that all this problems would be addressed should the new government be in power. It is very important to be specific to describe the reasonably limited scope of the current service delivery protest in South Africa as an indication solely to social – political instability. There is a need to be taking into account that, if the current situation carry on as an issue for long time possible developing of rebellion against government will prevails. As much as police might tried their utmost to stabilize protests to maintain peace by enforcing law, this will not serves as a solution to the problem. The problem here does not lie to policing, but to resolving to social economic situation that is prevailing in various societies. An early involvement to government in relation to the situation and effective functioning and service delivery is crucial.

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