Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Where is Zapiro?

I feel like I cannot wait for the famous cartoonist Zapiro who is regular busy to catapult state of the nation President Jacob Zuma. Recently there is saga about Zumaville, whereby public wants to know how much state funds were utilised to build the village and this agenda is on the public domain. Although President Zuma has decided to withdrawn charges against the cartoonist last week, but that has nothing to stop him continuing to bring information in a form of artist. Since President Zuma was implicated with fraud, corruption and money laundering, the cartoonist had been catapulted him to bring the art of work to the public. Whilst Zuma became the president of the country, nothing has stopped him to do his job. Since now there is current saga about president and his village, public are expecting to get some information on work of art. This is also one of the things that make news interesting. Watch this, not later than a week!!!!!!!!!

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