Saturday, September 8, 2012

“Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea” (Alan),
I really agree with the above statement. In the essence, is very important to have plan B. For in case if plan A fails. This term is usually used mostly to business industry, apparently called backup system. During the planning stage, backup system should be developed as a backup plan. In football for instance, coaches are always have their starting line up players, when team does not bring the good results or scoring goals, the coach will bring in substitutes with another good players. This may be called as part of coaches’ plan B. Leaders or managers who do not have a backup plan always failed. Another example of backup system, it’s like when student is preparing a power point presentation, there is a need for backup plan. Otherwise failing to do this, what if the document that student is intending to present is not opening and what are you going to present?. This will be sort of embarrassment because audiences will be waiting for you. Therefore failing to have backup plan is just a stupid idea.

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