Friday, May 25, 2012

The business industry competes about offering good services, but tax industry is doing the other way around, the rude competition., The kind of business run by a tax industry is totally unacceptable and is not conducive for human standard. The worse route that I have revealed is between Cape Town taxis to Bellville. There is one Friday night that I will never forget, when tax left Cape Town rank with overloaded passengers to Bellville driving through Vorttrekker road. The tax normal fee is R7.50, but after
hours 20:00 the fee rise to R10.00. While the tax was already an overload the guard was still loading people, passengers that are complaining are intimidated of being dropped off along the way to take other taxis. What is worse the tax just moves not even the driver looking if passengers are sitting well. When the tax reaches Maitland in front of Tavern by name Liverpool, one coloured guy hire the same tax with passengers and passengers not aware. The tax drives out of way to Kensington area, the guy who hires the tax get off quickly to the house and come back soon with three guns in his hands. The guy said, let’s shut up, because passages were complaining. The tax drives back to Maitland and stop in front of the tavern again and the guy get out. They were doing this knowing that there is no other options, because Metro railway trains are finished and it’s only few taxis are running but also are competing with rudeness. While the tax is full the driver and his guard are also smoking, anyone who question that is being told to excuse and get off from the tax.

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