Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Neccesity of career guidance at shool level

blogspot.com, anni.ac.za
Career guidance refers to services and activities intended to assist individuals, of any age and at any point during their lives, to make educational, training and professional choices and to manage their careers. Such services may be found in schools, universities and colleges, in training institutions, in public employment services, in the workplace, in the voluntary or community sector and in the private sector. Huge numbers of learners are not able to pursue their studies at institutions of higher learning due to lack of career guidance at schools. Proper career guidance would have aided many of these students with early applications at universities or further education and training colleges, selection of career paths at an early stage, and with more career choices other than enrolling at these institutions. Apparently learners are getting confused at tertiary institution or colleges not knowing what field of study to select, what are relevant subject for such field of study, and where will be employment opportunities thereafter. When it comes to selection of the course learners follow each other, friends, sisters, brothers, or celebrities and in the middle of course they start to realised of doing the wrong choices. The lack of career guidance may also have negative impact to institutions or colleges, because these institutions may not generate the good quality graduates on the specific field due to the lack of guidance in the field of study, and this weakened these institutions or colleges. Many matriculates wishes to further their education, but do not have money to continue, to prove that career guidance is lacking how many of these learners know the existence of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme. In order to achieve this, government should be establish career centres that will cater for schools in the specific regions. South Africa’s educational system should prepare the learners at least from Grade 10 onwards when it comes to selection career paths. In order to accomplish this, the schools should offer career guidance at the beginning of every year or include it in the curriculum. This will allow learners to choose subjects that are in line with their future plans. In addition, career guidance could go a long way in giving the learners the confidence to decide where they want to be in future. Life Orientation teachers should take up the duty of career guidance.

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