Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The last lecture

nicro.org.za, ajaxct.com.
It was one of the best classes I ever had in Public Relations 2012, in corporate communication. I mean out of five B-tech subjects I am doing right now, four of them were about corporate communication. I felt like why the programme should not start about corporate communications from the beginning. It was one of the topic that I would even relate to the currently projects that most organisation are doing including my organisation. Basically, I have even understood more about the course content, what Public Relation course entails. This lecture has broadened my understanding and makes easily to do application. Just to share some of the experience that I have gain during this lecture, I am working for Department of Correctional Services; there are many community projects that the department is participation to make a change to poor societies. One may ask a question what is the department is gaining in return, since the department is rehabilitating offenders, it empowers them with skills and development, these offenders are there ones who are doing this projects to community where they have committed serious crimes, this enhances them during their released to be able to be accepted back to their communities irrespective of their past behaviours and as rehabilitated people.

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