Friday, November 2, 2012

The road to Mangaung
The South Africa’s biggest political organisation, African national congress is faced with term to review its leadership which includes critical positions like president of the organisation, general secretary and so on. The coming elective conference would be held in December at Free State Province (Mangaung). The organisation is divided into two camps, therefore at this time; usually there is no unity within the ANC. This is the opportunity whereby ANC branches and regions give their mandate to the organisation as the primary organ of the organisation. Branches representatives go and attend the conference having the mandate from their branches or regions with new leadership structure. Branches attend conference carrying different agendas, although braches has to held concuss meetings with other regions or branches to discuss and make changes to leadership structures. This is the time where one would say that, politics are really a dirty game. In other word, a leadership structure that was mandated by branches or regions is subjected to change after the concuss meetings. Usually, this conference is full of surprises, remember Polokwane has resulted to the born of new South African opposition political party, Congress of the people.

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